Good News and Bad News

Well Eager Hands, there's good news and there's bad news...

The good news:

     The Evergreen State Fair has released both the 2013 Fair Handbooks and the 2013 Showorks site! This news should send you flying to your computer, your little fingers typing at record-breaking speed! Your heart should be pounding with excitement, because you can finally plan out your life-changing, epic Fair experience. This news should create pandemonium!!!

Well...not really... maybe I've overreacted a tiny bit ;-)

But seriously, the handbook and showorks sites are up, so take a look at 'em if you're starting to plan out your summer. Here are the links to both:

The 2013 Fair Handbooks-

The 2013 Showorks Site-  

And now the bad news...

Blogspot has decided to mess with me a little bit, and has disabled my access to the "Links we Like" sidebar :-( This means I can't update the outdated 2012 handbooks and showorks links listed on that sidebar. Waaah! Our blog is outdated!...sniff...

So just take note- To access the current Fair Handbooks and Showorks site, you need to use the links in this post, not the links in "Links we Like"!

Thanks for understanding. I'll continue to explore Blogspot and see if I can fix the problem. but until then, you know what to do!

Stop and Smell the Flowers.... Even if they are paper

Okay, sorry i could not resist the urge to put a picture illustrating my title.
I mean, its a PUPPY. How can you resist a puppy?
Yes, at our last meeting we had the privilege of making our own bouquet of paper roses!
Are thees just gorgeous or what?
     The stage is set...

And we begin! It included lots of folding, but it was very fun! It was also surprisingly simple...

With some curling of the paper...

And some glue, they came out wonderfully!


And always remember to stop and smell the flowers!


Merry Late Christmas!

Well first off i must apologize for doing a horrible job as Historian, as it has been forever since I've made a post. Given its February and I'm posting our Christmas Party... well... That's not very good.

I must say though that was such a fun Party! It was my first White Elephant and it was very exiting.

<---I think we all know that we're not talking about this kind of White elephant, but i will give a brief explanation.
Everyone brings a odd, obscure, or strange gift of some sort, wraps it, and all of them are handed out via the normal Gift Exchange way.


Its quite fun, and we all end up with crazy stuff!

But first we created our own handmade wrapping paper!
Everyone had huge pieces of butcher paper and sponge stamps that the Dahls graciously cut out for us. It was very fun and everyone came out with some unique and beautiful pieces.
Than the crazy part came!

Stephanie received, a...... er...... interesting clown statue. I ended up stealing him, and his name is now Leopold and he plays the Saxophone. But come now isn't he just wonderful?
Brianna got some very hip and beautiful glasses, equipped with stylish eyebrows and nose.
Gorgeous Brianna, Gorgeous
Some snacks,
And a giant paper snowflake!
And than came.... FOOD!!!

 Are these just the cutest cupcakes you've ever seen? Adorable!

And than came some modeling...

First.... Brianna, starring Leopold the Creepy Clown
And Ally, the cutest little girl ever. Isn't she just adorable?

And with that, our party ended.
Merry Christmas!
Actually i should say, Merry late Christmas in February!
Hey, use this as an excuse to have a second Christmas! ;-)

Quilting Group- Part Two of one!

Our last meeting brought fabric, sewing, and banana bread!
Unfortunately, I was not able to get any photos of the meeting before the most recent meeting, but I hope to possibly find some later.
 For now, I shall explain what is going on.
Our club decided to make a handmade quilt for Project Linus
Its a truly special mission and we are honored to be making a quilt for a special child somewhere out there.
To learn some more about it, here is the Project Linus about page. 
So the first meeting after new members, we all brought fabric and started cutting them and then sewed them into squares.
After that, the meeting was over, and so we ate some snacks, and went home.
And now, we were just back to meet and continue the quilt. Our wonderful new club President Abby D. sewed ALL the squares together! Thanks Abby!
All we had left to do, is yarn tie it together, a very interesting, if a bit tricky way to do it.
After our business meeting.... (Due to Orchestra Recitals and other events, only some of our members were able to attend)
And figuring out how to yarn tie quilts via YouTube... If your interested in watching the video, here it is: Warning: Its a bit on the boring side!
After that, we got to the fun part. The actual sewing.
After figuring out how to get the needles through the fabric without impaling ourselves,
We got the hang of it!
And in the end, we were able to look like very professional seamstresses!
Of course... while we were busy dutifully sewing...
The moms were busy themselves discussing whatever moms talk about while their daughters sew quilts!
But in the end, it looked very nice.
It was a fun meeting, and unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the delicious banana bread the Dahl's made, and the juicy orange slices as well!
A thank you to our wonderful club members!
Hope to see you back on our next post... congratulating our new members!
Before I leave I will inform you all that we have a new club historian: me (Mariesa S.)! I will now be in charge of running the blog, and I hope to do a good job of it.
Also, stay tuned for a post congratulating our new club leaders from our first meeting! I wasn't able to get my hands on the photos yet, so hang in there until I can!

Super Day...A Success!

I don't know about you all, but I had a blast at our club's Summer Super Day! For those of you who couldn't get in on the action, here's some photos and the offical version of what happened ;-)

After arriving at the Gaebel's home (again, thanks for hosting!), we had our usual quick business meeting. Then we enjoyed a scrumptios baked potato bar, complete with all potato trimmings, salad, and rolls. Afterwards came dessert...rhubarb pie and a 4H carrot cake!

I was very impressed with all the hard work Rebeccah put into this cake!
Notice how we eagerly wait in anticipation as it is cut ;-)

Next on the adgenda was games! We played two acting games; Park Bench and Chineese Mimes. Please accept my apologies that there are no photos of our antics. I was having far too much fun to stop and take pictures!

Finally we had our poster making marathon. Seeing each other's posters was a real treat, and of course, offering each other our advice was a common activity!

Thanks for such a great Super Day, everyone! See you all at fair, or if not then, at our next meeting in the fall :-) Have a great summer!    

Tidbits (for Fair?)

Well, it's that time of year again. Time to start thinking about the upcoming fair, and what you'll enter. Here's a few ideas and tutorials for some fun entries. (You can do them even if you're not going to fair!)

1) Popsicle Stick Bracelets from Suzy's Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom

Yes, these are made out of popsicle sticks! And it looks so easy. Click here for the tutorial!

2) Reverse Applique Placemats from Design*Sponge

These placemats look super modern art-y and are not complicated at all...just as placemats should be. Here is a link to the tutorial!

3) Sprinkle Bark from Sweetapolita

I'll admit, I love peppermint bark as much as the next person. But a detour into cake batter and sprinkles can't hurt, right? These would be quite eye-catching on the shelves in the 4H barn. Click here for the recipe!

4) Lovely Paper Roses from Santa Barbara Wedding Style

I can't believe that I've never learned how to do these before! They're such a great combination of elegance and quirky-ness. Here's the tutorial!

Have fun, you guys!

4/19/12- Inchworms and Cupcakes

As some of you may know, our club had a difficult time deciding what to do for our April meeting. We even thought about not having a meeting at all. But thanks to Abby, we had a wonderful time crafting and chatting at our (possibly) first ever member-led craft! And on the adgenda? Inchworms!

After a brief business meeting, we settled down to work...

Everything was very nicely laid out!

Then we got down to work...

Don't we look industrious? ;-) After working our fingers to the bone, we dined on cupcakes (chocolate with marshmallow and maple frosting!).

There's nothing like a cupcake to make you grin :-)

See you all next month!